It is quite important for students to learn respect for others as well as how to follow classroom rules. But students should not forget that they need to abide by standards within the school environment when it comes to academics. I think at my specific school that I am currently working at, it would be best if the school incorporated high standards. At times students forget and are not pushed as much as they could be. It saddens me that students don't always see how smart they are and what they are truly capable of doing. Each child has the potential to do well and succeed, they should never have to think twice about that. As teachers we need to keep students away from the "routine" of just passing and getting by in school. Teachers need to encourage students daily to do their absolute best and help show them that hard work can pay off in the end.
Students need to know that they are capable and they can do it. The encouragement and parental involvement level is very crucial when it comes to creating a demand for hard work. Students want to know that their parents and teachers care about them. By letting students know that you care as a teacher it can really build that student's self esteem and they will learn to push themselves in order to continuously do their best. It can be something as small as a comment or attending an after school event to support that student. It may seem like a small gesture but it goes a long way and students will remember those types of actions. A good way to do this is to always display a positive attitude when around your students and your classroom. If you as a teacher are positive and happy then it will rub off on the children as well. I think my school would benefit from teachers really focusing on creating a welcoming and bright learning environment. Students should grow that want and urge to learn and to obtain knowledge from reading. Teachers can enhance this level of encouragement by putting many posters around the room and hallways with inspiring quotes on them.
Teachers can teach about diversity and how everyone comes from a different background. If teachers do so, this may help students to have a better appreciation for one another. Students need to learn to have respect for one another, I feel that is part of keeping a high standard. High standards should be geared towards actions as well as academics when at school. As stated in, "Building a School Culture of High Standards" by Ron Berger,"Educators everywhere share a goal of creating a learning environment which fosters, demands, and celebrates high standards."
Berger, Ron. John Hopkins University. "Building a School Culture of High Standards."
Students can benefit in multiple ways from using
specific and consistent academic strategies on a daily basis. By using
certain strategies both in the classroom and at home it can strength the
academic performance and the overall thought process of a student. When
thinking of my E.C. students in particular, I think it would most benefit them
to use spatial activities. The activities can be something very simple,
but once it becomes repetitive the students will further develop their
knowledge of how to follow a routine.
In my classroom, I would use a spatial strategy of
how the students are to get out of their chairs and line up each day. It
is incredibly beneficial for students who receive resource room services and
accommodations to become familiar with routines. As read in, Teaching
with Poverty in Mind by Eric Jenson “The brain can change…” I believe
that by allowing these students the opportunity each day to follow the same
pattern and directions it will allow them to adapt to this form of
It is a great accomplishment for many students to be able to walk in a
classroom and sit down at their assigned seat or even for a student to line up
properly. Keeping my E.C. students in mind, I would choose to use a
patterned strategy that will teach student’s attention skills as well as
spatial awareness of the classroom and fellow students. I will give each
individual student step by step directions of how to line up each day.
The student will be asked to first, put his or her pencil in the basket, stand
up, push in his or her chair, and then line up by the classroom door. The
task may sound simple and to many it is, but being able to complete this task
is something that does not always come easy to many children with special
Allowing a student with special needs to focus on attention skills is key. If a student cannot pay attention or follow directions within a classroom setting, then unfortunately, there may not be much learning happening. By giving students step by step directions you are allowing them to use many skills and focus on the task at hand. The student will then be able to practice everyday routines which will in time become natural to them. Teaching students to follow directions with a task such as lining up, can better prepare them to tackle other tasks. The other tasks may be similar, in that, they will have "steps." For example, often times teachers ask students to raise their hand in class, place their name card in the basket with their lunch selection, or even something as small as getting their "Friday Folder" from the correct spot in the classroom. Teaching a child attention and directional skills is a basis for all other learning and can certainly enhance the child's academic performance. Teaching a student a specific routine can show that individual student that he or she can be independent. Every student wants to know they are capable of completely a task by themselves, having that sense of accomplishment is a great feeling for a child. As Dr. Laura Markham says in the article, "Structure; Why Kids Need Routine", "Structure and routines teach kids how to constructively control themselves and their environments." Dr. Laura Markham certainly said it right, we need our students to feel comfortable and confident enough in their environments to try, take risks, and learn! Links to Resources: By clicking these links you will find charts, ideas, etc of how to create ideal routines for students in the classroom setting.
Jenson, Eric. Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids
Brains and What Schools Can Do About It. 2009.
Markham, Laura. "Structure; Why Kids Need Routine." 2013.
The good news is that core
skills and hope for a child from a low socio-economic status family or home
can be built overtime. When using research based strategies, over time one can
change a students brain and thought process. Starting an educational
intervention at a very young age would be most beneficial to a student in hope
of them growing up with a positive thought process.
Intelligence is not
necessarily 100% genetically determined, which proves that we can help students
in low SES situations in hopes that they change from previous generations.
A very crucial part of working with students who are from low SES
families, etc is that "brains can change." (Teaching with Poverty in Mind, pg 47, Jenson) Knowing that the brain can change and we can instill
core values and hope within a child is a key factor that teachers and educators
in general need to keep in mind. Changes in the brain can be positive or
negative as well as being gradual or instant at times. For example,
exercise, learning, and quality nutrition can be very positive changes.
As for negative changes in the brain may include; chronic drug abuse,
long term neglect, and boredom.
One can have "experience
based" brain changes. An experience based brain change can include;
playing video games, which enhances a player's attention skills or even
intensive language training. As a teacher and even in the classroom I am
currently student teaching, one can do their best to implement changes among
the students. Students of low SES can build core skills by learning to play an
instrument, read music, or even play strategic memory games. When doing
activities as such student can gain sensory and motor ability. When
teaching a student to play an instrument they can benefit by higher order
association areas of the brain that can result in improved attention,
processing, and even sequencing.
My colleagues and I can
implement certain strategies in order to improve the educational level of
students within our school. As mentioned previously, brains are
"designed" to change, which is incredibly beneficial on a multitude
of levels. Everyday a student comes to school there is an opportunity
for change and growth; this is where the teacher’s role comes into play! A
child's IQ can be affected by many factors, which include; home environment,
living conditions, interventions, and even early childhood experiences.
If a child is exposed to these factors and does present a low IQ, a
teacher can implement something called fluid intelligence.
Fluid Intelligence is a
students rapid ability to adjust their strategies and thought processes from
one context to another.By
fostering fluid intelligence it will be prepare children to adapt to their
current environment.Students in low socioeconomic situations and families often are forced
to adapt to a daily change in environments, and most likely the environments
are not positive. Fluid intelligence can include many different strategies and
useful skills such as; problem solving, pattern recognition, and abstract
thinking. It is important for teachers to instill in children a sense of self reliance. Myself and my cooperating teacher can try to teach the children in ways to let them know the material has a relation to their lives. I think sometimes students feel that the material they are learning is simply "just for school". But in reality the material carries on to your home life and beyond. Teachers can emphasize the value of a relationships of concepts that come from outside of formal instruction. Students need to learn and adapt to practice concepts on their own and not just when being directed by an individual.
Overall, as teachers we need to show love and support to the students. Encouraging an dpositive comments can truly change a students outlook; and fo rmany children in poor situtations they are in need of these kind words. Far too often children don't hear, "you can do it" or "I believe in you", from their parents. Teachers need to all around be a role model, friend, and coach to their students.
Jenson, Eric. Teaching with
Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids
Poverty certainly affects the students at Kirkman Park Elementary in a multitude of ways and on a daily basis. The presence of poverty is quite noticeable of anyone who may enter the school. It is not only noticeable through the building, supplies, and equipment they have but in the students themselves.
It is unfortunate but yet, very true that many of the students live in great poverty and poor conditions at home. The majority of the students at my school participate in the free lunch program that the school provides as well as the backpack program which provides students food to take home on the weekends. The students too often look unbathed, with dirty uniforms and a poor scent. After working at the school now for a good portion of the year, I would say that the students at my school suffer from generational or relative poverty. I say this because it is evident that many families lack the basic needs one should have. For example, one of my students told me that hey do not have heat or running water, therefore, he does not bath on a regular basis. Another student in my class always complains of being hungry due to the lack of food that is provided at the home. In both of these situations the students are being deprived of basic needs which causes their academic performance and behavior to being affected. As stated in, Teaching with Poverty in Mind, by Eric Jenson, "Kids raised in poverty - those kids who have the greatest social, academic, emotional, and health needs - are often those who have the least access to essential human services and classroom accommodations."(pg 69 ) I have found this to be incredibly true amongst the students I am working with.
The students are affected by poverty not only from the clothing they wear or the food they eat. The students at the elementary school are certainly affected by their poor home environments. It is very clear that the students are exposed to negative environments and sometimes have bad examples at home that are displaying incorrect behavior. It is difficult to try and change the child's perspective on education and behavior if they return home where education is not held very high.
Teachers have the opportunity each and every day to change the life of a child. The quote, "be the change you wish to see in the world" by Gandhi speaks wonders in the lives of teachers. For example, working in this Title 1 school it is obvious that the school and it's students need help, they need a change. Teachers, staff, and students alike should try to make the best of everyday to make each day count. Poverty in the community of High Point, NC alone is very troubled but it is also apparent that it is also affecting people across the states, according to William J. Bennett, ( CNN reporter ) "...nearly half of all Americans are living near or in poverty." He also notes in the article, "Reduce Poverty by Promoting Schools, Families" that, "The first step of alleviating poverty is to promote better schools, families, and churches." I agree with his statement and think if people were to do so perhaps we would see a change. Students mainly spend all of their time in school or at home which is why we must start to promote these areas first. We need to promote more positive environments, healthy living, as well as families serving as positive examples. In the text Teaching with Poverty in Mind ( pg 94 ) notes that, "The enrichment mindset means fostering intellectual curiosity, emotional engagement, and social bonding." I feel that this quote in most appropriate in the situation that I am seeing at Kirkman Park. The parents are not enriching their children at home nor are most of them encouraging education. The students do need to foster positive relationship and yes, there are multiple after school programs or lunch buddy programs, but in many cases it needs to start with the parents. I know the parents of the students are not as involved in their lives as they should be. The parents don't pick their kids up from school and ask how their day is nor do they congratulate them on grades. I am not doubting all parents at the school but I feel the majority of the students are lacking parent involvement. In order to enhance the lives of these students in poverty the school could try their best to truly reach out to the parent seeking their involvement with their students lives as well as the school as a whole.
We all know that change does not happen overnight. The school is slowly reaching towards improvement by integrating programs such as the lunch buddy program and big brothers, big sisters. They are both beneficial to the children, although they are only small steps. Yet, sometimes the smallest actions are what counts. Overall, Kirkman Park needs to enhance parent involvement both at the school and at home in order to foster a positive and happy relationship with their child in order to support them in furthering their education.
According to: National Center for Education Statistics. The Washington Post. 2010.
Poverty certainly affects behavior
and academic performance on many levels.It is most important for teachers to understand how to teach children in
poverty and how to better serve them.A large aspect of teaching children in poverty comes from knowing and
understanding their home environment and circumstances.
As unfortunate as it is, according
to Eric Jenson in Teaching with Poverty in Mind, “low-income
neighborhoods are more likely to have lower-quality social, municipal, and
local services.” ( Jenson, EricTeaching
with Poverty in Mind pg 8 ) When a child is exposed to the lower quality
resources as such is takes a tool on their whole life including their
learning.Students who are exposed
to such impoverished and often negative environments do tend to bring that
environment with them into the classroom.Young students do not know any better than what they are taught at home.
Often times, students who live in low –income families are not read to at
night, do not have someone to help them with their homework, and are lacking
any positive influence.
As far as teachers go, they play a
large role in students lives, especially students who come from poor
families.Christine Lynch,
Principal of John Spaw Middle School in Spokane, WA said, “You have to teach
them, you have to have high expectations…”It is quite important that teachers remember that giving
student sympathy and not expecting, as much from tem is not helping them as far
as their academic performance.Teachers need to learn to make accommodations in other ways instead of
letting a student “slack” off in class.For example, teachers can allow students to be on the computer for a few
more minutes at school if they do not have access at home. The more a teacher can do to accommodate and work with their students at his or her level, the more they will learn and be able to focus on academics instead of situations from home.
The environments that the students are exposed to at home are far too often not good environments. As much as one would love for parents to work with their children at home, that is not always the reality. Teachers should continue to encourage parent involvement as that is a huge part of a child's academic performance. It is also important to understand that the student's parent might not be the best influence for their child when it comes to behavior. So when a child is acting out in class or making fun of other children, the reason could be that this is the exact behavior they have been exposed to on a daily basis.
"What is the Poverty Line, anyway? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it's a family of four (two adults, two children) that earns less than $21,834.
Still, $35,000 is basic-needs budget for a U.S. family of four (two adults, two children), as calculated in An Atlas of Poverty in America.
In 2008, nearly 43.6 million people Americans lived in poverty (about 13.2% of the population); 12.9 million were under the age of 18.
In the US, poverty is still tied to race: 24.7% of the African American population live below the poverty line while 8.6% of Caucasians do.
School budgets are tied to property taxes. This is why schools in poor neighborhoods get about half as much money per student than schools in affluent neighborhoods.
Three-quarters of the nation's schools (almost 60,000) report needing repairs, renovations or modernization in order to reach good condition.
Not surprisingly, most schools in bad condition are in cities where at least 70% of students are below the poverty line.
Urban students are less likely to graduate than their suburban counterparts. High school graduation rates are 15% lower in the nation’s urban schools when compared with those located in the suburbs.
Graduation rates are also lower among certain groups, particularly ethnic minorities and males. In 2008, the graduation rate among African-Americans was 61.5% compared to 81% for whites.
In 2008, 17 of the nation's 50 largest cities had high school graduation rates lower than 50%, with the lowest rates reported in Detroit (24.9%), Indianapolis (30.5%) and Cleveland (34.1%).
Children of poor families are up to six times more likely to drop out than wealthy. "
Jenson, Eric. Teaching with Poverty in Mind. ASCD.
Alexandria, Virginia. 2009.
Lynch, Christine. Principal of John Spaw Middle School in Spokane, WA.
Christine Lynch tells the importance of teachers being aware and understanding the environments of their students. She also gives tips on how to better serve them academically.
Here you have a video that displays facts and realities of children in the United States who are living in poverty.
The podcast title caught my eye and made me want to go ahead and start following it. It concerns the reasons as to why people choose to be special education teacher and why they should go into that field. it states that special education is not a career but yet a cause. I am not sure I agree with everything they mentioned but it certainly made me think and question multiple aspects of the topic.
Children with special needs need one on one attention at times. The podcast discusses how people need to be motivated for the students not just moving up in the professional ladder. It emphasizes integrity within ones job. They are saying that sometimes teachers just do the bare minimum to get by and do not focus on the child. When a teacher does this the student is not being benefitted. It also goes over free and appropriate public education. It does not speak about private schooling which I can understand, because I feel that most people teach public schools.
In my opinion the podcast is geared more towards parents of kids with special needs. As teachers though, I feel that we should see both views; the view from the parents and the teachers. It is a teacher's responsibility to care for and work with the children just as it it the parents.
The Podcast I have been following entitled, "Social Skills Training in Adolescence: Important Issues and Future Directions" has been very interesting. It focuses on different ways you can help your child or student with disabilities interact with other peers on a daily basis. I found it helpful as a future teacher the skills they were discussing that are geared towards socially enhancing the lives of children with special needs.
In particular this podcast is one of many created by the MIND Institue Lecture Series on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Marjorie Soloman is the speaker doing the lecture and the voice within the podcast. She explores models for social skills training with a focus on issues encountered when working with adolescents and implications for future research.
I found it very interesting that she lectured on the topic, "identity development." She says that there are four types of the identity crisis that are experienced by all. Also, she mentions that each individual type of identity is is determined by how committed the adolescent is to their personal identity search. I agree with her notion that students need to identify themselves in order to act socially with other students. Marjorie's lecture certainly could impact a teacher on how they go about interacting with their students with special needs and how they are capable of acting socially.
The last item that she discusses is "Piaget/ Cognitive Development." In the podcast she calls it the child's "ages and stages hall of fame." The stages of development include; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations. I have learned of these different stages of development before but I enjoyed her metaphors and ways she described it.