Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I-Pads in Special Education

I-Pads are useful in many different ways especially when it comes to education.  I-Pads opened up a new door for those teaching special education with all the resources, applications, and different tools it has that can be used when teaching children with special needs. The use of this new technology is incredibly helpful in the classroom and will continue to be for years.

How the i-pad is a tool for special needs children:
communication examples
     - everyday tasks        -expressing one is hungry            -expressing feelings
     -asking to go to the bathroom            
     -showing colors        - the use of "pecs" to learn           - reading

By a child using the touch screen of an i-pad it helps with a child's multi-sensory skills as well as cognitive thinking.  It gives children an entirely new way to communicate!
Links about i-pad usage for special needs children:
Apple; i-pads in special education; great apps; education

For example, there is an application called Proloquo2Go that is absolutely wonderful for kids with special needs.  The application is basically communication on the go; it can be found on i-Phone, iPod touch, and iPad. It gives a child a way to communicate through pictures; they have the ability to click on different things they may want such as foods, people, colors, ABC's, and the list goes on. The app is so powerful becaise it can give a child the ability to do everyday things as simple as expressing they need to use the restroom or they are hungry.